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Narva Business Conference 2024: Sustainable Business – Profit or Expense? 💡

I was speaking at the Narva Business Conference 2024 on the topic of sustainable business. At Greenful Group, we’re tackling the massive challenge of Europe’s 12.6 million tons of textile waste by turning it into sustainable building materials. 🚛♻️

Key points from the presentation:
* Waste is a resource: At Greenful, we transform textile and plastic waste into innovative construction products, showing that sustainability can drive profitability.
* Scaling for impact: Our goal is to open 40 factories by 2050, addressing 10% of Europe’s textile waste problem.
* Estonia has the potential to become the world’s first textile waste-free country, creating 132 jobs and attracting €104M in investment to Ida-Virumaa.

The moment of truth, if Estonia is going the be the first textile waste free country in the world.

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svgExcited to share some fantastic news!