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I’m happy that this important discussion is finally taking place.

🇪🇪 I had the opportunity to present Greenful Group and our innovative solutions to address Estonia’s textile waste problem at the Riigikogu Parliamentary Environmental Committee.

♻ Greenful´s goal is to transform textile waste into valuable construction materials, reducing environmental impacts while supporting the circular economy.

🤝 As Greenful is a new innovative solution, launching the factory in Estonia requires the government’s full political and financial support.

🏭 Greenful is preparing a full-size factory (40,000m2) in Estonia’s Port of Sillame, which will require over 35,000 tons of textile waste yearly.

🥇 One Greenful factory would make Estonia the first textile waste-free country in the world.

🙏 A big thank you to the committee for the opportunity to share our vision and a real interest in finding ways to make it a reality.

hashtag#Greenful hashtag#TextileWaste hashtag#BigChange hashtag#Estonia

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